How You Can Get Your First Dollars Online WITHOUT Spending Weeks Trying, Struggling And Failing...
"I will show you EXACTLY how you can fast-start a real, sustainable online income in just 9 easy steps from scratch..."
QUESTION: Do you want to create a real income from just your laptop but find yourself being...

...Or Frustrated?
- Feeling completely overwhelmed
- Don't know where or how to begin
- Being told different methods every day
- Worried about tech and how to set everything up
- Trying and trying but nothing works
- Success always seems just out of reach
- Keep taking one step forward but two steps back
- Scared to invest time or money as you aren't confident that you'll ever make a dollar.
Well, It's Really NOT Your Fault
And Here's Why...

There are new training products being launched every week that all promise riches but are often either over-complicated and confusing for beginners...
...or they focus on a “loophole” or “system” that worked once but may not be sustainable.
"Everyone is looking for the next new shiny magic bullet and product creators will
always be happy to oblige..."

But Listen Up...
It's Time For The TRUTH
When you are just getting started, you just want to see if this thing can work.
"Starting a Business" is the furthest thing from your mind. And so it should be!
Get "Proof of Concept" first - actually seeing online marketing working for you...
...by making your first dollars online.
Then scale it up to a business (if you want to).

When they are not peddling "loopholes and hacks", most online courses want to teach you how to set up and start an "online business"
At this stage, you simply don't need much to be in a position to get those first dollars coming in...
- DON'T need thousands of dollars to invest
- DON'T need to get web hosting
- DON'T need to set up a Wordpress blog
- DON'T need to spend time agonizing which autoreponder service to buy
- DON’T have to start creating products.
- DON’T have to worry about all the “tech” that comes with it.
- DON'T have to stress about recruiting affiliates
- DON’T have write blog posts or articles.
- DON’T have to make videos.
- DON’T have to figure out Facebook or Google ads.
- DON'T have to man a support ticket desk
Right Now...
Just Focus On What Will Get Those First Dollars
The GOOD news is that it doesn't have to be complicated...
It doesn't have to be bogged down with "tech" and steep learning curves that never seem to flatten out.
You see, if you boil away all of the fluff and just concentrate on That SIMPLE GOAL, it is surprisingly easy.
Of course there is a bit of work involved. There are no magic money buttons (sorry).
But if that is broken down into very simple bite-sized steps, you can do it, right?
Of course you can. And it will amaze you how quickly and easily.
I want you to STOP and think for a moment…
If you seriously want to finally get some dollars dropping into your Paypal account, you need to take a step or two back and go back to basics.
What you don’t need is fluff, shiny objects or overwhelm.
And you want to start seeing results NOW. Not in 12 months time.
But at the same time, be building an asset that will continue to provide an income into the future.
Would YOU be interested in that?
If the answer is "YES!", read on...

My name is Barry Rodgers and back in 2019 I released a new course called Faststart 9.
It delivered on two simple promises...
1. To get someone into a position to make their first online dollars the quickest and easiest way
2. Set down a basic foundation that could be built on and scaled
But since 2019, lots have things have changed...
Things have got even...
So I re-made the whole course

So what do you get in FASTSTART 9 Reloaded?
No overwhelm or over-complication for a start.
You are walked through 9 easy to follow modules that clearly explain and show how to take each step (and the “why” behind them as well).
I will be completely honest with you - this is basic, common-sense training that is not overcomplicated with fluff or fancy-dancy loopholes to try and make me look clever.
In fact - full transparancy here - if you have been around the online marketing space for any length of time, you will probably already know 90% of what is inside...
...but the point is many folks get so overloaded that they never put anything profitable into action.
You need the simple. You need the step-by-step.
This is a course designed to make it easy for you to put it all into action...in just 9 simple steps...
I call it...
We will be keeping it tight...
We will be purely concentrating on those simple twin goals: getting some dollars coming in and, at the same time, establishing a solid foundation for future income streams.
There will be nothing “hard” or “difficult” for you to master but, as you follow along actually doing each step (not just reading and watching the videos) you will be getting invaluable hands-on experience of how this whole online marketing thing works.

Here are a just a few of the things you will discover inside...
- How to decide what you need from what you don't need in getting everything set up (and avoiding overwhelm) [Module 2]
- The #1 thing you will need (that most people neglect to tell you) without which you are doomed to fail [Module1]
- How A.I. can help you create the perfect fast freebie with loads of value [Module 4]
- The "secret" place to find products to promote that require no approval (not Clickbank) [Module 3]
- The FREE tracking system that anyone can use [Module 9]
- The drop dead easy way you can get amazing web pages set up in minutes - even if you are brand new to all of this and have never done it before [Module 6]
- The quick and easy thing to put on a simple thank you page to massively increase affiliate sales [Module 7]
- How you can get started for free and only pay anything when you have already made loads of money [Module 2]
- The way to ensure people receive your emails and they don't go to spam folders [Module 5]
What exactly do you get when you invest in
Faststart 9 Reloaded?
Well, firstly, I am making this entire course available for a one time price (not a subscription fee). That means it is kept affordable for the people who need it the most.

You get instant access to the whole of this no-nonsense, step by step training in 9 individual bite-sized modules.
Each module contains videos with pdf overviews and checklists - showing you how to accomplish the twin goals of making your first sales and laying solid foundations for the future, with all the crap boiled away.
All this is delivered in a secure members area. You get your log-ins delivered immediately.
The whole course is designed to give you a fast start if you are a beginner or get you back on track if you are not.
You Can Buy From Me With Confidence!
If you are ready...
If you want to get this done...
Now is the time for you to get started (or re-started) in the quickest and easiest way!

Yes! I want instant access to Faststart 9 Reloaded.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a refund policy?
I offer a 14 day refund policy on this product but, really, I don't expect anyone will think that they didn't get immense value especially at this tiny price.
Is there anything else I will need to buy?
If you don't already own a domain name, you will need one. I show you how to get one for less than half price in the training. You will also need a "proper email address. Both will add up to less than $20 for the whole year.
Are there any upsells?
There are but they are purely optional. They will make things even faster for you and will help you in other ways too but if you choose not to get them, what you'll learn in Faststart 9 still works perfectly.
How do I use this course in the best way?
Each of the 9 modules has videos and a pdf document. It is best to download the pdf and watch the videos (not just one without the other). Some people like to watch a video and then go do what I showed before going to the next module. Other people like to consume the course and go back to replicate what they have seen me do. That is up to you.
Earnings Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by Rodgers Marketing Ltd. and its customers are only estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. Any testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that Rodgers Marketing Ltd. is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services
*The legal pages are basic privacy policies and disclaimers and may not cover everyone everywhere. It is always best to get professional legal advice for your locale.
Use them "as is" at your own risk.
All sales notifications displayed are real, verified customers
Copyright © Rodgers Marketing Ltd